Free Lead2pass 500-171 PDF and VCE Dumps — 100 Percent Pass Guarantee

Free Lead2pass 500-171 PDF and VCE Dumps — 100 Percent Pass Guarantee

Lead2pass Cisco 500-171 practice tests are composed of latest exam questions formulate an actual exam scenario with an intent to expose your potentials and latent skills. Our Cisco practice tests encompass all the fundamental of Cisco 500-171 exam formats, orients your efforts towards guaranteed success for Cisco 500-171 exams. You can hit your target with assurance if you have opted for our practice test training.

How many VEMs can one server have?

A.    4
B.    unlimited
C.    1
D.    2

Answer: C

Your primary VSM needs to be edited, rebooted, or migrated. You need to initiate a manual switchover to your standby VSM. What command will allow this to occur?

A.    vsm switchover
B.    System switchover
C.    Standby activate
D.    System standby

Answer: B

To install your VEM, what is the extension of the VEM file name you’ll be looking for to complete this install?

A.    .zip
B.    .vem
C.    .vib
D.    .vsm

Answer: C

How do the Fabric Interconnect ports connecting to the 2232PP FEX have to be configured?

A.    In UCS Manager, the FI ports connecting to the FEX must be set as type `Server’
B.    In UCS Manager, the FI ports connecting to the FEX must be set as type `FEX’
C.    In UCS Manager, the FI ports connecting to the FEX must be set as type `Uplink’
D.    In UCS Manager, the FI ports connecting to the FEX must be set as type `Auto’
E.    In UCS Manager, the FI ports connecting to the FEX must be set as type `Network’

Answer: A

When connecting the Nexus 1110-X to the Nexus switch, what Spanning Tree port type is used?

A.    Edge
B.    Trunk
C.    Network
D.    Edge trunk
E.    Normal

Answer: D

How should the speed be configured on the Nexus 5548 port connecting to the Nexus 1100-X?

A.    It should not be configured ?the 5548 will auto detect the correct speed
B.    Speed 10
C.    Speed 1000
D.    Speed 1000000
E.    Speed 1G

Answer: C

For a `boot from SAN’ configuration, which two features must be enabled? (Choose two)

A.    FCOE
B.    UDLD
C.    NPIV
D.    FC
E.    FCSP
F.    VPC

Answer: AC

Lead2pass 500-171 practice test sessions instigate practical learning approach and broaden your skill frame. Get practiced with Lead2pass resources and unveil the secrets for success in Cisco 500-171 exams. Our products come in line with your imagined standards, take you at the peak of technical proficiency. Our resources are delivered with first attempt success guarantee, 100% accurate answers and highest standards of accuracy are incorporated to provide the real benefit for your choosing our products.


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